Island Parish

For the last three seasons BBC2 has had a hit with its Island Parish series featuring clerics on the picturesque isles of Scilly. When the parishioners rejected a particular reverend the steam sort of went out of the series.

Now, not to miss out on a good idea, the production has moved to an isolated Scottish island Barra, near South Uist and the reverend is Catholic. The eccentric formula continues to work as the priest seems young and innocent of the problems on an island. His clerical friends are TV gold, with a bagpipe playing priest on South Uist who is a character.

Allo Again

Add to the fun with a special return before an audience of the original cast and you have René back to run the crazy café in Allo Allo and it works. It is funny, the favourites haven’t gotten that old and the introductory mix was a dance for old bones. I know you can see the original on GOLD but that only seems to what the appetite for buxom waitresses, crazy policemen, crazy Germans and fun, fun, fun.