Of 193 IDA-organised visits by prospective foreign investors to this country, up to the end of May of this year, only four were to Waterford city and county and only six were to sites in the South East.

There were 28 site visits by potential investors to a variety of locations throughout the country last month (June) yet not one of them was to Waterford or any other location in the South East region.

Deputy Brian O’Shea, who requested the figures from the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation, Batt O’Keeffe TD, described the situation as ‘dreadful and appalling’. He said he had written to the chief executive of the IDA, Barry O’Leary, demanding to know why so few IDA clients were brought to Waterford. He had also called on the government to end its ‘wanton neglect’ of this part of the country.

Deputy O’Shea pointed out that the Live Register, as of 30th June, stood at 12,767 for the Waterford Exchange Area while the Dungarvan Area was 2,481, a total of 15,248 for the whole Constituency.

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