NewCrystalCentreThe Mall was buzzing with people this week. The new Waterford Crystal centre was doing excellent trade as visitors queued up for tours.
Buses were taking up available car parking spaces off loading tourists along the Mall, anxious to see the new centre.
Even without the official opening, the new centre is taking in lots of tourists from home and overseas. We strolled down there Tuesday last and noted many Irish among the first tourists on what was a really sunny day.
Locals will be really keen to see what is happening at the new centre.
Visiting Americans and English were also well represented as they took in this number one attraction in the south east. European and Asian visitors were also in the Mall area.
It was good to see a busy shop with lots of product on display and selling. The shoppers were delighted to see the centre open with bags in tow.
The official opening is deferred till next Tuesday, so the full story is coming next week.
There is a sense of vibrancy in the area as the contractors were still doing finishing touches to the pavement area and window cleaners were busy at work.
It all makes for a positive start to the summer’s tourism season. The city, county and region see the new centre as a signal of revival in the local economy in what has been a dismal few years; the summer sunshine has also improved the mood.