Distinguished Waterford authors and historians, Andy Kelly and Bill Irish, presenting a personal contribution to Ann Waldron Walsh, Administrator, Waterford Civic Trust, towards the restoration of the roof of Blackfriars Church in the city centre.	 | Photo: John Power

Distinguished Waterford authors and historians, Andy Kelly and Bill Irish, presenting a personal contribution to Ann Waldron Walsh, Administrator, Waterford Civic Trust, towards the restoration of the roof of Blackfriars Church in the city centre. | Photo: John Power

Waterford Civic Trust has launched Phase One of ‘Raise the Roof’, a fundraising drive to re-roof the Blackfriars church in the centre of the city. The Trust hopes that, with the help of the Waterford public, the roof can be replaced on this historic structure with a view to eventually turning it into a functioning building or civic space.

Approximately €50,000 is needed to complete the first phase of the project and members of the public are being requested to buy symbolic materials that will eventually go into the building. Nails cost €1, laths €3, a supporting beam is €20 and so on.

The remains of the Blackfriars medieval Dominican Friary have been in the possession of Waterford City Council since 1577. The nave, although still unroofed, has been partially restored by the Council which intends to use the space as a city market. The historic access from Blackfriar’s Lane to the west front of the building, which had been closed off and in private ownership, has been acquired by the council and re-opened.