Many’s the fable has been flogged about the fella who in bygone days travelled to Thurles from here (there and everywhere) on a push bike, hurled up a storm for the county on arrival, then pedalled all the way home again with barely a bead of sweat on his brow.

Well, whatever the truth of such tales, which would put Bill Cullen in the penny apples place, Ballyduff Lower GAA Club members are saddling up for real with a cycle to and from Semple Stadium for next Monday’s big match between Waterford and the Banner. The idea is to raise funds towards upgrading the club’s facilities without hitting their own kindly supporters yet again.

Long hours have been spent gearing up for their Tour to Thurles, which will start with a publicity launch in Waterford City on Saturday afternoon before getting underway proper the next morning with a rump-numbing spin via Portlaw, Carrick-on-Suir, Clonmel, Cashel and on to the home of hurling, where they’ll stay overnight in Horse & Jockey.

Bucket collectors will be looking for donations from the travelling Deise/Clare contingent in and around the Square/Stadium on Monday and, all going well (clerk of the weather take note) the lads hope to be back in Haughton’s by half-10 that night, where hopefully they’ll be spared the one about the legend who carried half the team home on his crossbar.

May the road rise with yee.