The Riverstown Relief Road is expected to be completed in 2010 despite major reductions in funding to Waterford County Council, Director of Services Michael Quinn stated at the Council’s annual budget meeting.

The relief road was funded from the Specific Improvement Scheme Programme and there was a significant reduction in funds in 2009 and a further reduction was anticipated in the coming year, said the Director. But that should still allow for the completion of the road.

Mr Quinn said that very significant progress would also be made on the construction of phase two of the Tallow Link Road. The Gold Coast Road at Ballinacourty, Dungarvan, would also be brought past the compulsory purchase stage in 2010. While the reduction in funding would slow down progress, the commitment of the Council to the successful completion of those schemes had not diminished. It was expected that the funding programme would be replaced in 2011 with a new scheme for which there were yet no details.

The Council heard that notification of the level of road grants for 2010 from the Department of Transport or the National Roads Authority had not yet been received. The total expenditure budget for 2010 was estimated at €18,313,395, with €9,464,467 to be raised by the Council. When the level of grants was known, detailed expenditure proposals would be formed in the 2010 works programmes which would then be submitted to the Council members.

Storm damage repairs

Storm damage amounting to €20,254 to the boat slip in Tramore will be covered by the provision of €38,356 for the repair and maintenance of piers and harbours in Waterford County Council’s 2010 budget.

The Council is to seek funding for the repair of Passage Pier and the refurbishment of the lifeboat slip at Helvick. The Council is to seek funding from the Department of the Marine for coastal protection work at Helvick main pier.