Transparency and accountability, words resonating throughout the body politic following the sentencing of the shamed Frank Dunlop, must be delivered at City Council level according to Fianna Fail City North candidate Liam Dunne (pictured).

“Councillors must lead by example,” said the city-based businessman.

“After June 5th I would like to see the elected officials of Waterford City Council put forward a motion that all councillors must provide receipts and claim only vouched expenses for attending meetings on Council business, as well as postage and telephone bills and other expenses.”

Referring to best professional practice in the private sector, (“In work if I or anyone else does not produce a receipt we don’t get paid”), Mr Dunne said it should be no different for councillors.

“I believe local councilors need to restore some confidence in the electorate and demonstrate that they are not in the job for personal gain, so let Waterford City Council lead the way.”

Liam Dunne has been on the canvass since the end of March and has told this newspaper that public apathy and disillusionment with local politicis is rife.

“I for one am running in this election to help Waterford compete and to help this city move up the value chain,” he added.

“By displaying my expenses and only claiming for these if I get elected sets the tone of how I would operate on the Council. I am sure that if all 15 councilors on Waterford City Council would do the same, then savings would be made.”

Mr Dunne continued: “These savings could be put towards the bin waver scheme avoiding this heavy burden on the less well off.

“We need a new generation of Waterford leaders to step up and restore some confidence in local government and to engage the people of Waterford City. By that I mean people like me.

“Now, some negative people might say it is just tokenism on my behalf but I believe it’s common sense because if you watch the pennies the pounds will watch themselves.”

See our special Election 2009 section for indepth profiles of local and EU candidates.