The talent of Owen Garvan sparkled under the spanking new floodlights of the RSC on Friday last. The Ipswich Town star was watched by the former Waterford FC manager Martin Ferguson (brother of Sir Alex) who is one of the top scouts of Manchester United.

“I have loved my time in Waterford over the past three days. The training facilities at Ozier Park were excellent and the hotel was very nice also. I heard that some people were critical of the pitch here at the RSC but I have no complaints about it whatsoever. Believe me I have played on pitches much worse in the Championship.

“The crowd were great and the result was even better. I played out of position tonight, as I like to operate out wide, but when you are picked for your country you don’t complain.”

When asked about his roles in the goals his eyes lit up, almost as brightly as the lights that graced the local venue. “I enjoy taking free kicks from the right with my left foot and ‘Jayo’ [Jay O’Shea] was alert when the goalkeeper parried the free.

“Cillian’s [Cillian Sheridan] delivery was superb for the second goal and I knew Alan [Judge] was behind me because he shouted at me and that is why I stepped over the ball. This result is a real confidence booster for us and hopefully we can go on now and get some good results in out qualifying group,” added the affable Dubliner. 

*Fogra: Owen Garvan’s grandfather is Con Martin, the man who played for Waterford FC in the 1959 FAI Cup final. His uncle is Con Martin jnr, the former Manchester United and Newcastle United defender. So he comes from good stock!