Local Workers’ Party councillor Davy Walsh has welcomed the imminent arrival of a bus shelter in Ferrybank – something he’s campaigned long and hard for.

“The reason why it took so long is that Ferrybank is not being served by Bus Eireann, but by a private operator, Kennealys,” he explains.

He has now hammered out an agreement with the bus operator, advertisers and the City Council to prove the shelter in Ferrybank, which has a large elderly population who’ve had to face inclement weather while waiting for the bus.

Meanwhile, at a ward meeting Cllr Walsh was assured that Abbey Road, which was dug up recently to facilitate of the laying of the main drainage pipes to the Water Treatment Plant, will be resurfaced. A period has to be set aside for settlement of the ground, and thereafter the work will take place.

Cllr Walsh says he’s also been given guarantees that a portion that is within the city’s jurisdiction will be fully surfaced within the current roads budget.

Also, following representations he made, he’s received assurances by the City Council’s senior roads engineer that the pedestrian crossing for the boys’ national school on the N25 at Ferrybank is included in the roads budget for 2009.

This much-needed crossing will, he says, alleviate the dangers that exist for pupils trying to cross the main road at Belmont, where there is a huge housing estate and sporting facilities on the opposite side and the main part of Ferrybank village on the other. “That these concerns are being addressed comes as a huge sigh of relief for parents and residents alike,” Cllr Walsh added.