It’s often tough being a young person – the pressure from school, peers and overall life can commonly be overwhelming.

So, an organisation that allows young people to be themselves, in a safe, supervised environment, free from judgment and that encourages them to enjoy ‘old school’ activities like board games, discos, and chats over a cuppa, has got to be a good thing.

 This is where No Name Club makes a difference. Founded in 1978, No Name Club is a national, voluntary youth organisation that aims to empower young people aged 15-18 by providing a fun, safe environment where they can socialise without the pressures of teen life. With over 50 clubs across Ireland, including one in Dungarvan, No Name Club plays a vital role in offering young people safe spaces where they can develop social and mental skills while avoiding the major risks of peer pressure.

Dr. Garrett Keenaghan, Chairperson of No Name Club, said: “We know that it’s crucial for young people to build confidence and self-esteem”.

“No Name Club is more than just a social outlet – it's a place where young people can build confidence, learn new skills, and make lifelong friends,” said Dr. Keenaghan.

No Name Club goes beyond providing a hang-out spot. By involving its members in the planning and running of events, the organisation helps them build confidence and leadership skills. Through its activities, No Name Club raises awareness about the effects of alcohol and drugs, empowering informed choices. Membership fees are kept low to ensure that the club is accessible to all.

No Name Club is always looking to establish new clubs around the country. As a volunteer-led organisation, No Name Club relies on the dedicated and determined work to guide and mentor young members. These volunteers are essential in forming the safe, welcoming environments that are central to the club’s mission.

If you wish to learn more about establishing a No Name Club in your locality, or you’d like to find out more about your nearest club, contact