Comeragh Municipal District Council is to write to Education Minister Norma Foley to request emergency funding to repair a roof at Knockmahon National School.

At the recent meeting of the District Council, Cllr. Catherine Burke said the school submitted an application for emergency funding “to repair a leaky roof”.

Cllr. Burke said the roof needs to be repaired before children return to school and there has been no response from the Education Minister.

Cllr. Burke said she has written personally to Minister Foley asking for the matter to be expedited.

She requested the Comeragh District Council to also send a letter to the minister outlining the urgency of the matter.

Acting Director of Services, Housing, Claire Hartley, said that while the council has no remit in regards to school funding, she confirmed a letter would be sent from the council to the minister outlining the concerns raised around the school’s leaky roof.